Laboratories | Three P.G class rooms with capacity of 40 students |
Eleven Laboratories (02 UG labs – capacity 80, 07 PG labs capacity 20) | |
Library | Department has separate reading room and sectional library for PG, Research Students and visiting faculty. |
ICT facilities | Central Computer LAB with Internet, one Smart room, 01 LCD, 01 OHP, 01 Scanner, Software and 06 Printers |
Other facility | Staff room : 01, Store : 02, HOD & Coordinator Cabin : 01 |
Sophisticated instruments | Raman Spectrometer, Vacuum Coating Unit, Ultrasonic Interferometer, UV,Visible Spectrophotometer, Grating Spectrograph, Michelson’s Interferometer, Microwave Spectrometer, Constant Deviation Spectrometer, Concave Grating Spectrograph, Gouy’s Balance, Furnaces(Temperature Controlled), Water Distillation Plant, Vacuum Oven, Pellet Machine (Hydraulic Press), Compressor for Spray Pyrolysis. |
Department has special instrumentation laboratory for Research