Government of Maharashtra


Per Adruva Ad Astra (By steep and toilsome way towards the stars)

An Autonomous Institute

NAAC Reaccredited ‘A’ Grade in 3rd Cycle with CGPA 3.07

Department of Physical Education

    Department of Physical Education was established in 1951, Physical Education department is one of the important department of Institute of science, many activity are conducted by the Physical Education department to develop the student’s physical, Mental, Intellectual, Emotional and Philosophical abilities also develop unity, self confidence presence of mind, friendship, both hood, good behavior discipline sportsmen sprit and natural integration. The department is having well equipped GYM and big play grounds to play Softball, Netball, Baseball, Basketball, Volleyball, Kabaddi, KHo-Kho, Korfball, Tug of War and indoor includes. Table Tennis Hall, Yoga Hall, Gymnastics, Fencing, Power lifting, Jodo, Taekwondo, Badminton.

Future Plan

  • To organized a National Level Seminar on Physical Education. Proposed Indoor Stadium, Advance Gymnasium, Conferences Hall, ground Lights and Various Games Ground.