Government of Maharashtra


Per Adruva Ad Astra (By steep and toilsome way towards the stars)

An Autonomous Institute

NAAC Reaccredited ‘A’ Grade in 3rd Cycle with CGPA 3.07

Department of Computer Science


UG: Computer Science subject is available in One combinations for B.Sc. course.

S. No Title of programs Level Sanction Annual Intake
1 (Group : Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics) SCoM UG B.Sc. I 16
B.Sc. II 16
B.Sc. III 16

Specific Course Outcome

Programme: B.Sc. Part I Semester I Paper-I :- Programming in C

By the end of this Programme, the students will be able to:

  1. Understand programming structures like Sequence, Selection, Iteration and Modular.

  2. Understand development tools such as algorithm,flowchart and pseudo code for any problem to solve them programmatically.

  3. Understand basic concepts of programming in C such as character set, Operators, Functions etc.

  4. Understand arrays, strings, functions, structures, unions and pointers.

  5. Understand the file handling, sequential access and random access programmatically.

Programme: B.Sc. Part I Semester I Paper-II :-Fundamentals of Information Technology

By the end of this Programme, the students will be able to:

  1. Understand the meaning and basic components of a Digital computer system

  2. Understand the role of CPU, BUS, Number System, and Language Evaluation

  3. Understand the concept of Compilers, Interpreters and Assembler

  4. Understand the concepts and need of primary and secondary memory, different storage devices

  5. Explain input devices and output devices.

  6. Explain Network concepts, LAN, WAN Man, Network protocols etc.

Programme: B.Sc. Part I Semester II Paper-I :-Object Oriented Programming using ‘CPP’

By the end of this Programme, the students will be able to:

  1. Understand key structured programming, constructs declaration sequence, selection, repetition evaluating expression.

  2. Understand C++ functions and the concepts related to good modular designs.

  3. Understand pointers and reference parameters; understand the creation of class and objects.

  4. Handle files programmatically creating dynamic objects.

  5. Understand inheritance virtual functions, need and pure virtual functions.

  6. Understand mechanism of online function, constructors, destructors, operator overloading and exception handling.

Programme: B.Sc. Part I Semester II Paper-II :-System Analysis and Design

By the end of this Programme, the students will be able to:

  1. Carry Feasibility Study of system, Gather data to analyze and specify requirements of a system

  2. Design system components and environment

  3. Develop data flow diagram and decision tables to design system

  4. Understand the concept of Implementation, Testing and Conversion of system

  5. Work as an effective tem member on assigned projects.

  6. Understand the concept ofSoftware Reliability and Quality Management.

Programme: B.Sc. Part II Semester III Paper-I :-Data Structures

By the end of this Programme, the students will be able to:

  1. Determine appropriate data structure as applied to specified problem definition.

  2. Understand the concept of Linked List, Double linked List and their representation

  3. Explain the different mechanism involved in memory Mgt.

  4. Understand the concept of avoidance, detection and prevention of Deadlock.

  5. Explain Trees in Memory, Definition and Representation of Graphs in Memory

Programme: B.Sc. Part II Semester III Paper-II :-Operating Systems

By the end of this Programme, the students will be able to:

  1. Understand the basic of Structure of Operating System, Characteristics of Modern OS

  2. Understand the anatomy of Process Management, CPU Scheduling Algorithm

  3. Understand the concept of deterministic Modelling, Dead Lock Prevention, Dead Lock Detection, Recovery from Deadlock

  4. Explain paging, segmentation, Segmentation with paging. Protection

  5. Understand file management, Buffering.

Programme: B.Sc. Part II Semester IV Paper-I :-Java Programming

By the end of this Programme, the students will be able to:

  1. Understand model of Java Programming language such as Operators, tokens etc.

  2. Creating a class & subclass, Understand Data members, Invoke a method, passing arguments to a method, calling method.

  3. Explain Method overloading, Constructor overloading. Java class library

  4. Understand Decision making & loops, Creating an array, String array,

  5. Explain the concept of Inheritance and Interfaces

  6. Evaluate user requirement for software functioning.

  7. Solve given problems using Java programming.

  8. Create GUJ applications .

Programme: B.Sc. Part II Semester IV Paper-II :-Linux Operating System

By the end of this Programme, the students will be able to:

  1. Understand the basic set of commands and utilities in Linux, concept of shell

  2. Understand the anatomy of Linux operating system, editor and procedure of printing files

  3. Sharing Files with other Users

  4. Perform backup and to create compress file and decompress them.

  5. Perform operation on process.

  6. Understand KDE and GNOME desktop environment.

Programme: B.Sc. Part III Semester V Paper-I :-Visual Basic Programming

By the end of this Programme, the students will be able to:

  1. Write, compile and execute applications using various controls like text box, command button.

  2. Write programs using Arrays and functions

  3. Write, compile and execute applications using database connectivity like ADODC.

  4. Create database using MS-Access and visual Data managers

  5. Write, compile and execute Menu driven application.

  6. Explain Data Environment and Data Reports.

Programme: B.Sc. Part III Semester V Paper-II :-Data Base Management System

By the end of this Programme, the students will be able to:

  1. Understand basic concepts of DBMS, its objective

  2. Role of Database Administrator, Database Users, different Data models and network models

  3. Understand concept of ER model.

  4. Explain Relational Model, Structure and Extended Relational model

  5. Understand Functional Dependency andPerform normalization of database.

Programme: B.Sc. Part III Semester VI Paper-I :-Compiler Construction

By the end of this Programme, the students will be able to:

  1. Understand Compilers and translators and their need.

  2. Explain Intermediate code Generation.

  3. Define programming languages, ,High Level programming languages

  4. Understand the lexical and syntactic structure of a language, the role of the lexical analyser

  5. Understand Parsers, Shift-reduce parsing and DAG representation of basic blocks

Programme: B.Sc. Part III Semester VI Paper-I :-SQL and PL/SQ

By the end of this Programme, the students will be able to:

  1. Understand CODD’S Rules, Oracle Database Objects, data types, operators

  2. Create tables, derivetable from existing table, altering, dropping of Tables.

  3. Check Integrity Constraints and Adding and Dropping Constraints

  4. Understand types of Views, Create Views, Drop Views, Insert, Update and Delete5Data using Views,.

  5. Understand basic concepts of PL/SQL Programming

  6. Create cursors, triggers and Exception Handling