Government of Maharashtra


Per Adruva Ad Astra (By steep and toilsome way towards the stars)

An Autonomous Institute

NAAC Reaccredited ‘A’ Grade in 3rd Cycle with CGPA 3.07

Objectives of IQAC

  1. Planning and Preparations of Proposals to implement the Recommendations of the NAAC Peer Team during the Cycle 2 Visit for Assessment and Accreditation in 2012.

  2. Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.

  3. Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning.

  4. Over viewing the plans to implement credibility of evaluation procedures.

  5. Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services.

  6. Sharing of research findings and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.

Functions of IQAC:

Internal Quality Assurance Cell, the Institute has developed several quality assurance mechanisms within the existing academic and administrative system. These are as follows:

  1. From the beginning the main objective of the cell is to plan and implement quality initiatives and evaluate. It follows its calendar for meetings, quality agenda and maintains its proceedings.

  2. Placed Plans and proposals for implementation of the recommendations of the NAAC Peer Team visit in 2012.

  3. It circulates its plan and takes steps for implementation.

  4. It supports to conduct workshops, awareness programmes, special lectures on quality innovations, Curricula, Teaching-Learning & Evaluation, Research oriented seminars etc.

  5. It coordinates with all stakeholders for their opinions and advices for quality sustenance and quality improvement.

  6. Dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education.

  7. It Plans and Supports effective implementation for Total Quality management, Curricula development, Teaching-Learning and evaluation, Research, Consultancy and Extension activities for all stakeholders.

  8. It organizes and prepares data for all peer team which will visit

  9. Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement.

  10. It collects, maintains and analyses documents and document evidences directly or through the institutional Office. It prepares the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) and submits it to NAAC regularly.

  11. It analyses the feedback received from all stakeholders and inform the concerned about its outcome for correction and amelioration. It also appreciate & encourage and provide support required by all staff for their and quality sustenance and quality improvement in teaching, Research & administration.

  12. It has and is continuously working for Development of Quality Culture in the institution.

Decisions of the IQAC were implemented:
Decisions of the IQAC have been implemented

  1. Renovation of Students Canteen and Common Rooms, Principal’s office, Student toilet in each floor of the Institutional building.

  2. Constituting an ICT development sub-committee for upgrading Computer facilities in the institute.

  3. Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning in all departments.

  4. Construction of a modern Computer Laboratory at each department.

  5. Extension, renovation and purchase of modern and necessary equipments for all science laboratories.

  6. Separate computer laboratories for computer application based subjects.

  7. Transparent Admission Procedure.

  8. Computer and Internet connection in all departments.

  9. Step towards Library Automation.

  10. Promotion of Research and Publication by Faculty.

  11. Promotion of Extension activities.

Benefits of functional IQAC:
IQAC has facilitated/ contributed in the following ways:

  1. Ensured heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement.

  2. Ensured internalization of the quality culture.

  3. Ensured enhancement and coordination among various activities of the institution and institutionalize all good practices.

  4. Provided a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning.

  5. Acted as a dynamic system for quality changes in this Institution.

  6. IQAC has built an organized methodology of documentation and internal communication.

  7. Submitted the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to NAAC.

Challenges of IQAC:

  1. The primary challenge encountered is that of resistance—to change. A lot convincing and persistence measures to alter strategies wherever needed has resulted in a lot of time being lost.

  2. Work beyond duty hours for activities that go beyond teaching by faculty sometimes have created an element of resentment. But the recent incentive structure of UGC (CAS) linking administrative works has made a positive impact.

We know that maintaining this momentum of quality consciousness is of crucial importance. It is a common knowledge that no single strategy works on its own. Multiple methodologies should be used at the same time and this should be used to overcome barriers and setbacks that come in the way of Quality sustenance and Quality improvement. In future we shall ensure that all stakeholders of this institution continue to remain fully in this Endeavour and together move forward the NAACs agenda on quality assurance.